Monday, September 08, 2008

O.V. Wright - I'd Rather Be (Blind, Cripple & Crazy) (Back Beat 628)

I'd Rather Be (Blind, Cripple & Crazy)

Hello out there everybody. How's everything?

I am flying down to Memphis tomorrow to work on the upcoming 'O.V. Wright Night' concert... as posted over on


That's right folks, we are going ahead with our plans to hold a very special night of music in Memphis this fall in conjunction with the dedication of the memorial at O.V.'s final resting place. After many months of behind the scenes work, we are pleased to announce that the event will take place at Morgan Freeman's brand new Ground Zero Blues Club downtown on Saturday, November 15th. With accompaniment provided by the one and only Hi Rhythm, we will be celebrating the timeless music they helped create with O.V. and Willie Mitchell. We are in the process of working out the rest of the details, and will post more information about the show here as it becomes available. The concert will serve as the inaugural fundraiser for a new organization called The Soul of Memphis Foundation which, as an outgrowth of our Memorial Fund, will continue to work to protect the unheralded legacy of this unique American art form. Mark you calendars, and we'll keep you posted! This positively incredible number we have here illustrates just how killer a combination Poppa Willie, O.V. and the Hodges Brothers were... There is still a great deal of work to be done to make this concert happen, but I consider it a privilege to be a part of this historic event. I'm going to do my best to make it a night to remember! __________________________________________________ Today is my birthday. This month marks three years that I've been doing this, and I want to thank all of you for sticking with me as the site has expanded to the point where you can now listen to over 400 45s on five different pages. Sometimes, I know, it hasn't been easy putting up with my rambling on, and I know it's been like 'all Lattimore Brown all the time' this summer... but, like I said, that whole thing changed me, and I wanted to make sure it was done right. I felt like I owed him that much... Now that I've finished that up, it's kind of like 'Where do I go from here?', and I'll be honest with you, I have no idea. As I embark on this mission to Memphis, I'm going to try to remain open as the doors open in front of me, and hope that I have the courage and the wisdom to walk through the right ones. I'll let you know what happens. your pal - red


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and keep up the great work, Red. Lattimore's story is incredible and your careful telling of it represents the very best of what blogs can offer.

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, friend. There's no way I'd ever hear this music if it wasn't for you and your pals. Keep on keepin' on...

Ric, England.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Red. I always enjoy reading your post as I love Southern Soul Music. Keep up your great works.

Naoya from Tokyo

10:11 PM  
Blogger Private Beach said...

Just a few words to thank you for 2 of my favourite websites! (Both sides.)

12:07 AM  
Blogger Darcy said...

Happy Birthday Red. Your Lattimore documents have left me speechless in wonder (too speechless to comment!). I have always enjoyed your posts and it's great to learn so much of the background behind all these great Southern Soul artists and labels.

Whereever the Bside goes AL ("After Lattimore") I will be following you (even if it takes a Highway 59 Jackson style diversion!).

5:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy belated BD, Red!!

10:15 PM  

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