It's Official! In collaboration with our good friends at
The Rabbit Factory, we're going to be hosting a Benefit Concert for our man
Sir Lattimore Brown, featuring his return to the stage after a thirty five year absence!
He'll be backed by the smokin'
Wiley & The Checkmates, in what promises to be a night to remember!
Sir Lattimore had his FEMA rent assistance cut off as of February 1st, and is now living in a rooming house somewhere in Biloxi. This show will, hopefully, help get him back on his feet, and out there on stage Shakin' and Vib-A-Ratin' where he belongs!
If you can make it down to Sugar Town, we'd love to see you... but if you can't attend, please consider making a small donation to the cause by clicking on the link below, which will take you to a payment page where you can use your PayPal account, or any major credit card:

At this stage of the game, it's too late to send out tickets and all of that, but if you'd like to
Pre-Pay, a donation of at least $15 will get your name on the 'will-call' list at the door...

As I'm sure you know, you can still check out the eight part
Legend Of Sir Lattimore Brown, with all of its associated audio intact, if you're interested. You can also read all about it in the latest issue of
In The Basement magazine...
I've also re-activated
"I'm Not Through!", an edition of the late, lamented podcast, that gathers together some of the great material we've been talking about by Sir Lattimore and a few of his label mates at Sound Stage 7:
I'm Not Through Podcast
Hope to see you down in New Orleans!
- your pal, red
ps: Special Thanks to our good friend Paul Pollman, for jumping in and providing such way cool graphic design on such short notice... Astublieft!

If you've got a website or a blog of your own, and you'd like to help us out by placing this awesome looking ad in your sidebar, please shoot me an
email, and I'll send you the code. Thanks!
Fantastic 45!
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